
Our Promise

We will forever change your life.
You will become stronger.
You will become fearless.
You will become allergy-free.


A Holistic Treatment with Unmatched Success

The A.R.T. Allergy Release Technique® holistic treatment for  curing food allergies is different from conventional treatments  because it gets to the root cause of the allergy, which is the  over-reactive immune system, and calms the anxiety  response. 

Our technique has been successful in treating mild to severe  food allergies, including multiple, life-threatening food  allergies and other immune conditions and sensitivities,  including but not limited to lactose intolerance, environmental  allergies, animal allergies, chemical sensitivities, asthma,  eczema, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Pediatric  Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with  Streptococcal Infections (PANDAS) and chronic Lyme disease. 


How A.R.T. Works


Identify the toxins and other stressors 

The process kicks off with a 90-minute initial visit. After a general health history  assessment, we use an FDA-approved, non-invasive radio-frequency machine to  identify the toxins and other stressors that are overloading the immune system.  That information allows us to determine the best approach for strengthening the  person’s immune system, so allergic responses to foods or other benign substances can be deactivated.


Strengthen the immune system

Throughout the rest of the process, there are mandatory, weekly, 30-minute follow-up visits, where we continue the work on strengthening and resetting the individual’s immune system. As the system’s balance is being restored, we also evaluate its response to the five trigger allergens (mold, dust, additives, chemicals, and sugars) and perform a non-invasive sensitivity screening for more than 200 food allergies. This enables us to identify and address any additional underlying sensitivities contributing to the immune system’s overload.


Alleviate the fear

We also use mind-body techniques and tools to alleviate the fear of another allergic  reaction. This is especially important for individuals who previously experienced the  trauma of an anaphylactic reaction to food. Just the thought of eating (or even  touching) the food can set off a severe anxiety response, which triggers the same  mechanism in the brain as an allergy response. If someone is too afraid to eat the  food, their brain will be too hypervigilant to call off the allergy response.


Reintroduce the allergen

Once we strengthen the immune system and calm the anxiety response, we can slowly and safely reintroduce foods or resolve other immune conditions and, ultimately, enable the person to eat freely and live fully.