Anam Cara Acupuncture Chinese Medicine ART.jpg

The A.R.T. Allergy Release Technique® process is different from conventional treatments because it gets to the root cause of the allergy, which is the over-reactive immune system, and calms the anxiety response. 

We use an FDA-approved, non-invasive radio-frequency machine to identify the toxins and other stressors that are overloading the person’s immune system, and mind-body techniques and tools to alleviate the fear of an allergic  reaction. 

Once we strengthen the immune system and calm the  anxiety response, we can slowly and safely reintroduce foods or resolve other immune conditions and, ultimately, enable the person to eat freely and live fully.



A system of healing dating back nearly 3,000 years, acupuncture is a gentle and effective way to regain and maintain health and balance in the body. Acupuncture is a branch of Oriental Medicine that involves the insertion of hair-thin needles into specific points on the body in order to restore the smooth flow of vital energy, called Qi (pronounced chee), and to support the body’s innate ability to heal itself.


Chinese Herbs

Chinese Herbal Medicine is another branch of Oriental Medicine that strives to support the free flow of Qi and promote health, balancing and healing. Herbs may be dispensed in raw form or as powdered extracts. Chinese herbs can be taken as a stand-alone therapy or in conjunction with acupuncture. This is often beneficial in treating complex or chronic conditions.